
Categories Info-Terminal, Outdoor Kiosksysteme, Outdoor Terminal Tag Hawk
Sein robuster Aufbau macht den Hawk zum idealen Kiosk für Outdoor-Anwendungen. Er ist bestens geeignet für Anwendungen in öffentlichen Informationssystemen (Information Terminal), als Terminal für Touristen- und Städte-Informationen und ähnliche Outdoor-Kiosk Anwendungen.
General Description:
- Zinc coated chassis plus special RAL outdoor paint
- Multipoint safetylock
- Full thermal insulation
- Temperature and humidity inside the kiosk is controlled by thermostat and hygrostat sensors
- Fully secured wiring is installed for maximum user safety and kiosk hardware protection
- Wiring includes: Current protection, High voltage protection, Circuit braker, Thermostat and Hygrostat, Ventilation and Heater
- Dimensions: 1820(H) x 570(W) x 210(D)mm
Standard Specifications:
- 19“ LCD with vandal-proof touch screen
- Small Factor Size PC in custom configuration
- Active speakers
- The Hawk is available in many different configurations all depending on the application
Optional peripherals:
- 19“ LCD with secure glass protection (touch)
- Extra advertising display 19“, 19“ wide and up
- Industrial PC Intel Core i3 or i5
- Metal Keyboard with Trackball
- Privacy filter
- Printer/Thermal printer 60 – 210 mm
- Webcam/Camera
- Telephone handset
- Card reader (chip, magnetic, non-contact)
- Barcode reader
- SiteKiosk Internet Browser
- Wide Colour Choice, see RAL Colour Scheme
- Custom graphics
- Wifi
- Coin selector
- Note acceptor
- Pinpad
- Note Dispenser
- Coin selector
- Air-condition
- Speakers
- Other peripherals on request